Leigh Kelly
Rachel Delooze (@RachelDelooze)
Roy Scintei (@royscintei)
Samuel Bossman
William Hastings (@williamhastingsuk)
Artistic Director: Samuel Bossman
Writer: Liam Patrick Harrison (@liampatrickharrison)
Director: Becks Granger (@bmgranger)
Lighting Designer: Jack Hathaway (@jhaffers)
Technical Touring Manager: Ina Miller
Set Designer: Paula Chitty
Production Assistant: Mosses Gale (@moses.gale)
Sound Designer: Kalle Jurvanen (@carlodzei)
Graphic Designer: Megan Siggers (@meg.s.designs)
Photography: Joseph Lynn (@joelynntw)
Articles, Reviews & Media Reaction
The Freshwater Five Part 3
At Vault Festival we were lucky to be spotted by the brilliant House (https://housetheatre.org.uk/) who supported us on a wider seventeen venue tour, also supported by local funder The Belgae Trust.
This tour gave us brilliant access to numerous rural and coastal communitites who might not get the access of new, exciting theatre. We found the show had a special impact in many of the coastal places where problems of second homes and wider disenfranchisement are rife.
Thanks to some of the wider engagement we were able to do post show Q & As again with skipper Jamie Green, as well as Q & As at a local school and an interview with BBC Radio. This tour was a fantastic culmination of all our work and something we could of never expected when we began in Part 1.
And maybe the journey doesn't end here.